Sunday, July 15, 2012

Back To School Tips!

It's hard to believe it's that time of year again! The aisles at Target and numerous office supply stores are bursting with supplies for the upcoming school year. A new season of fashion is drawing in the eyes of your kiddo's who are asking for that new dress and those new shoes and a cool new backpack. I remember those days so well. I can still smell my new box of crayons like it was yesterday! It's all very exciting and it can be somewhat overwhelming too if you don't have an organized plan in place. The first day of school will be here before we know it, so let's focus on some tips that will help you and your family be prepared for another outstanding new school year.

1. After a summer of staying up late and spending long hot days in the sun, our kids sleeping patterns get a bit off track. A week or so before school starts, get back on track with your school year bedtime routine.

2. BEFORE you go shopping for those new tops and pants and shoes, block a morning to do a whole family closet purge. Purge/donate clothes that do not fit, clothes that are torn or soiled, and the few that were never worn. Go through drawers, hanging clothes and all shoes to make room for your new things. Make a list of what the essential needs are and try to stick to that list. Go ahead now and schedule a clothes maintenance day quarterly throughout the year. This will make your next year an easier transition.

3. Many teachers provide School Supply Lists for their students. If this is the case, stick to that list. This can save you time and money. Some things on the list will need replenishing throughout the year, like paper, pencils and notepads. Go ahead and buy some of those items in bulk so that you save yourself a trip later. Make sure you have an organized place to store your supplies.

4. Save time on busy school mornings by making lunches the night before. Have a drawer in your kitchen that is the lunchbox drawer for snacks and lunch bag/box supplies. This way you will know when you are low on your supplies (because you have one place to look as opposed to a cluttered pantry) and your kids will know where to go to make their lunches.

5. Putting clothes together for the week is another time saver for those morning outfit decisions. Fold together pants, tops, underwear and socks in a drawer or a closet organizer. This will save you time and fashion stress on those busy school mornings.

Be sure to include your kids in the Back To School organizing process and use these opportunities to teach them the importance of planning and being prepared.  Getting back into the school rhythm is such a hectic time of year. A little preparation and teamwork will help you and your family have a successful start of the 2012-2013 School Year! 

Cheers to a wonderful school year kickoff!

Yours truly,

Kim B.