A few weeks ago I arrived at the home of a darling new client so eager to begin, so eager for change, and yet overwhelmed by the thought of the process to get from the mess to the victory. The internal battle was raging, but the glimmer of hope for something new was evident in her eyes.
We met on a Tuesday, had a brief consultation walk through and then dove in. After a few hours of tackling her young boys room, we stopped for a lunch break. When we sat down to eat I offered to pray. I prayed over our meal, I prayed for the work of our hands, I prayed that our work would result in a home that was a safe and welcoming haven for her family to land in and live in daily. I prayed for all who would enter in as guests to feel the love and welcome of the Holy Spirit in her newly organized home free from the burden of years of clutter. And as I said amen, I looked and up and noticed that she was weeping.
She said to me through a stream of tears.."I have been given so many wonderful gifts in my life. I have a part time job that affords our lifestyle and so many wonderful things, but I'm not enjoying them at all. In fact, I'm so burdened by the things in my home, I don't love my home either. Week by week, we tackled that mountain of years of clutter and unorganized living and began letting go of the excess, creating spaces that made sense, and spaces that said "welcome" and we talked about the importance of loving our home well.
If Jesus were to knock on the door of your home, would you, like Martha, have the confidence to open your home to him? Would he be pleased with the way you are caring for the good gifts that he has given you?? Doesn't he own everything anyway? If so, how are you caring for HIS things? Loving our home well is tough for so many people. Life is busy. Kids are messy. Husbands are messy. The temptation to NOT buy more is a struggle. How to manage the flow of stuff is a battle. When our hurried lifestyles collide with our immediate needs, and everything we need is buried under clutter, we buy more because we don't know what we already have. Thus the maddening cycle begins and we end up with a cluttered home and a life we aren't loving. And home that isn't being loved well.
The thief enters our homes to steal, kill and destroy. But Jesus came that we would have life and life to the fullest! (John 10:10). When we invite him fully into our lives, and into our homes we are able to live well, to say "welcome" with confidence, to love others well and to breathe deep sighs of relief when he comes knocking at our door. He sends his helpers disguised as Professional Organizers to help set the captives free. He loves them in the middle of their mess, but he loves them too much to leave them there.
You will be happy to know that the darling young mom has taken back her home, LOVES her home, is spending more time with people and less time dealing with piles and she has claimed victory over the enemy territory of clutter. Glory!
She opened her heart to change, she found some new courage, and she opened her home to Jesus.
As Professional Organizers, we have a "shoe in" that many pastors and counselors do not have. When the door opens to our smiling faces, disciples disguised as "home changers", little do they know that they are also inviting Jesus into their homes. I pray that they will know us by our love and by the gifting of the Holy Spirit we have been given to teach them how to love their homes well.
All glory to The One who loved us first.
Amen and Amen
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